This is a BETA version of the product. In the end it needs to be flawless and we need your professional advice and experience to improve this product. For sure, it will help to excite and wonder your viewers even more! Participate in developing, testing, and upgrading the product, using our special price for Beta version.
Ignis Pixel Diabolo Sticks are programmable graphic LED sticks for diabolo that draw patterns in the air like pixel poi.
Unique lighting every time: upload your own images into the sticks: colorful patterns, emoji, effects, etc. The system of timeline sequencing allows you to set the pictures in a row with timings you need according to music, so images change while you performing.
Programming is carried out in Ignis Pixel mobile app. This also makes your phone a remote controller for your Ignis Pixel Diabolo Sticks: launch them and switch pictures at a distance right from phone.
Built-in Wireless Sync option, compatible with DMX Remote Control for big stages.
Smart Diabolo Sticks have:
- Image stabilization: retains width and position of an image in the air independently behind flying sticks on its speed. Makes amusing illumination when the sticks are untouched.
- Playing statistics in the mobile application: you can see the number of beats, calories burnt*
Price is for 2 Diabolo Sticks.
*Stats count - is still beta and may be not accurate. It will be improved with firmware updates.
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